Easy Scaling Podcast
Together we’ll be exploring how successful entrepreneurs are actually scaling to seven figures and beyond. My goal is to bring you conversations that are honest and transparent and to share the real, raw, nitty gritty details about what works and what doesn’t.
Easy Scaling Podcast
Office Hours | Messaging and marketing to your ideal audience
For the full show notes and access to resources mentioned in this episode visit https://www.easyscaling.com/blog/episode75
In today's Office Hours episode, I’m chatting with Nequosha Anderson about so many things including messaging and marketing. She is an attorney helping business owners with their legal needs online and she’s also absolutely hilarious. We go over the clients she needs to be focused on marketing to, her offers and matching the processes to the type of buyer you want to attract.
Topics discussed:
- Showing up in your business as a CEO
- Making sure your pricing and offers make sense with your revenue goals
- Not everything in your business has to require sacrifice
- Different types of buyers and their habits
- Using a continuation model to keep clients investing in your business
- Planning your offers to be scalable
- How you can fill offers behind the scenes with personalized marketing
- Where to put your pricing in on the sales process
- Creating alignment between your business and your personality
- Why you should be cutting yourself some slack
- Delegate wherever you can and work with your strengths
- The power of quarterly and annual planning
- Make decisions from a place of intention
Links/Resources Mentioned:
- Schedule a 5 Year Planning Intensive- https://www.easyscaling.com/offers/Juh2g2FK/checkout
- Easy Scaling Annual Review and Planning Templates- https://www.easyscaling.com/annual-review-and-planning
Connect with Jordan Schanda King:
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