Easy Scaling with Jordan Schanda King

Money | Thinking differently about money with Amanda Burg

Jordan Schanda King / Amanda Burg Episode 34

For the full show notes and access to resources mentioned in this episode visit https://www.easyscaling.com/blog/episode34 

This episode is part of our mini-series all about money. Tune in as we get deep in the weeds about how much we're making, how much we're spending, and how that's evolved since we started. I'm very appreciative of all of my guests who were brave enough to show up on this series and talk transparently about all things money.

In this episode, we’re talking with Amanda Burg, the Founder and Creative Director of Liberty Type, a Knoxville based creative agency. Since 2016, Amanda and her all female team have helped small business owners better describe what they do and stand out online through copywriting, brand and web design, and 1:1 marketing services. When she's not running her six-figure agency, Amanda is a wife and mom of two.

Topics discussed:

  • The importance of paying your team well
  • What she considers when hiring 
  • The financial goals for Liberty Type
  • How she built a 6-figure business with a newborn
  • Her worries about hitting 7-figures

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Connect with this week’s guest, Amanda Burg:

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Money | XYZ with Amanda Burg

Jordan: Hello. Hello. Welcome to our mini-series, all About Money. We are getting deep in the weeds about actual figures, context, full transparency on how much we're making, how much we're spending, how that's evolved since we started. And when I say we, I mean myself and all of my guests who are joining me for this series.

I'm very appreciative of everyone who. Who was brave enough to show up on this series and talk? transparently about their revenue, their expenses, how much they're paying themselves, all of the things. I think this is really important, and I hope that it makes at least some type of teeny tiny dent on our industry to get us closer to sharing openly about this and being honest and giving the full context of how we've done what we've done.

What our business actually looks like on the financial side so that we can set realis realistic expectations for other people in the online space. So I hope that you really enjoy this series. 

Jordan: All righty. In this episode, I am chatting with Amanda Burg the founder and creative director of Liberty type a Knoxville based creative agency since 2016.

Amanda and her all female team have helped small business owners better describe what they do and stand out online through copywriting brand and web design, and one-on-one marketing services. Amanda is great. She is running a multi six-figure agency. We're gonna dive into the numbers with her. We're gonna really talk a lot about money, about money, mindset, but we go on a little bit of a windy journey and.

It is a great conversation and we touch on some really cool lessons and expose some things around money that I think are gonna be just really helpful for everyone to have insight on. So I hope you enjoy this conversation

welcome. Welcome everyone. Welcome Amanda. I'm excited to chat with you about money. . 

Amanda: Yeah. Thank you for having 

Jordan: me. Yeah, of course. So let's, I think, you know, intuitively it makes sense to start at the beginning and then move through to today, but I think we're gonna do that backwards and start with, okay, where are you at financially in your business now?

Like, set the scene for us and then we'll take it back to the beginning and how that. . 

Amanda: Yeah, sure. So, I mean, what do you wanna know? 

Jordan: I'll, I'll be in all, all the things. Give us, give us like a quick, rundown of like revenue expenses, how much you pay yourself, numbers, or any other numbers that come up for you.


Amanda: I mean, well, this week was a, a really big week for us financially because we hit our, our best month in business ever. and we're, I think today's the 18th or something like we're halfway through the month. so that's insane. so we, I mean we typically, throughout the year we've done, between 25 and 35 k.

that's usually like a pretty good average. We're already at like 41 right now. Nice, nice. So, yeah, so we're doing really well. it's, kind of feels like Monopoly money at some, you know, at some point. Doesn't ugly feel, feel real? but you know, I. I used to just kind of lump my, my business and my personal stuff together, and, you know, as some people do, unfortunately, when you're starting out and you have no idea, you didn't, I mean, I never, planned to start a business, right.

Amanda: It just kind of happened. And so this last year has been a, a big one for me and like, oh wow, I need like business bank accounts and I need to. Not make tax season an absolute nightmare at this time, and, you know, and start paying myself a set salary and, and doing all of that. So, currently I pay myself, $10,000 a month, which is probably pretty high for an entrepreneur, but our expenses are really low.

so. We do have, two women on our team that make great money. and I try and, you know, give them raises and things like that and bonuses as often as I can. . but you know, I mean, the best thing about owning a, a service-based business is that the expenses, the, the overhead is usually pretty low. So, between, you know, those systems that we use to keep us and our clients organized, you know, we, we spend a couple hundred dollars a month on things like that.

Amanda: But, and of course taxes is everyone's biggest expense. But other than that, I mean, that's, you know, our team Yeah. Is the most expensive thing. 

Jordan: Yeah. I love this. and, and even though your team is your most expensive thing, it sounds like you're running actually pretty lean for that, like, level of revenue.


Amanda: yeah. Yeah. yeah, we are. I mean, I, I wanna pay people really well, you know, I'm sure that I can, find someone in another country that I could, I could pay cheaper, but, you know, our big thing. and starting this business was, you know, I wanted to create something that I didn't have when I was a new mom.

So, when I was a new mom, I was a journalist and I covered breaking news, which is not the most ideal job position for someone who just had a baby . and maternity leave, isn't really an option when you kind of live paycheck to paycheck. And, all those things that kind of come with. . my husband worked really long, crazy hours, and so I was alone a lot of the time.

So I know that there's tons of women out there that are, highly educated, stay at home moms, and are bored out of their freaking minds. Mm-hmm. and need adult conversation, and need things in adult life to be passionate about. and so I'm, I'm looking at Liberty type, our agency as providing that so, , you know, I wanna pay women, well, I want them to work whenever they have time to like, it's not like be online nine to five type of job.

and, you know, they can contribute to their family and they can also have a, a really cool passion outside of taking care of their children. Like they have something awesome to do during naps and bedtimes, like build brands for business owners instead of always having to fold laundry. Right. . So, So that's my, my motivation behind it.

Amanda: So, you know, I'm, we, we've hired independent contractors and things like that in the past who have white labeled for us and for other business owners. And I've kind of steered away from, I have steered away from that into hiring people that really just. aren't interested in, in owning a business and really just wanna grow with one business.

Yeah. And that's been a total game changer. I've hired women that are local to me, that live right around the corner so we can meet up in person. We do have a personal relationship as well. and you know, I see them as be being the, the heads of their department. Right. And, and there's just no one underneath of them right now.

And we're expanding and we're growing that way. But, . Yeah, that's kind of all over the place, but that's kind of my motivation behind, you know, why we're doing it this way. Yeah. 

Jordan: I have a quick, quick clarifying question before we get back to the finances. Are these two folks, these two gals on your team, are they full-time or part-time?

They're part-time. And are they employees or contractors? 

Amanda: No, they're 

Jordan: contractors. Okay. Okay. Cool. Thanks. Yes. That's helpful to know. sure. Okay, so. To put like a final point on the like numbers piece of things for where you're at now, do you have a revenue goal for this year and also for next year? Let me add that in too.

Amanda: Yeah, I mean, we hit the one for this year and this is usually what I do to myself. I set goals I know I can hit, and then around October or November when I hit them, I'm like, oh, , so, so what do I keep doing for the rest of the year type of thing? . So, At, at this point, you know, this is our busiest time of year, so I, I don't think too much about trying to hit a number because, you know, between Thanksgiving, Christmas, all those types of things.

but I mean, for next year, I'd love next year to be our first million dollar year. I mean, I, I think we're, we're on the path, we're set to do, you know, set to do that. that's my, my probably way. Maybe not out of, out of, the scheme of things, but that's my big goal for next 

Jordan: year. Yeah. And so what's the goal, or like, what's the expectation this year so we can kind of understand the gap there that you're trying to jump?

we'll probably do, a little over four this year. and, you know, we've, we've doubled every year that we've been in business, so it's. completely out of line. I think we can do a million next year. but we'll see. Yeah, we'll see what happens. . 

Jordan: But yeah, I love it. Yeah, I have similar goals. We're hoping to have a seven figure year next year, and a similar place for revenue this year, which is our fir Yeah, our actually our first full year in business, so it's kind of like a, crazy growth trajectory, but should be fun to ride that wave.

Amanda: Wow. Yeah. I. That's insane. hitting a, a number that big so early in your business. 

Jordan: Yeah, that's, yeah. I'm sure you're going, I keep telling myself that 

Amanda: so many years of lessons in 12 months, right? Like it took, and maybe you're more, money mindset, you know, put together than I was because I, I really feel.

I wasn't even prepared to even think on those terms until this year. Yeah. Just mindset 

Jordan: wise. Well, let's, let's talk about that and let's, let's first set the stage of how long you've been in business and where you were your first year or couple of years, so that we can kind of see that, that transition over time.

And then talk to us about the mindset piece. 

Amanda: Yeah. so I started back in 2016, so this March will be seven years that I've been in business. You know, when I started I was, like I said, a breaking news journalist. So, I really just kind of fell in love with creating, content that I saw online, like graphics and things like that.

I was just naturally curious about how they made it, how they did it. and so I was just trying to recreate what I saw online. , it was mainly to get my stories noticed more because I'm like, if I can post a story about a topic that maybe people wouldn't normally read, but I had a cool graphic or something that was enticing about it, then maybe people would get to read what I wrote.

so that was my main kind of motivation behind it. and, you know, I was unknowingly pregnant with my son at the time. so, you know, nine months into. Unintentionally starting this business, I had a baby. So I spent that, those first nine months kind of, I opened an Etsy shop. I was doing little logos and business cards for, you know, other Etsy shop owners.

Amanda: It was nothing serious. and then I had a baby and I realized that. , being a breaking news journalist is not conducive to a mom with a newborn baby. You can't strap a baby to your, you know, to your back and go to a crime scene. Doesn't really work out well. So, so I'm like, I really need to, to put all in on this and, and really transition things.

by the end of my first year I had made $5,000, which to me was an absolute insane amount of money. . That's awesome. I made $19,000 a year as a journalist. So the fact that, you know, with just playing around in nine months, I was able to, you know, make a third of my income. Like, just doing something on the side was just crazy.

so I just, I just kept doing it more and I didn't leave my, my journalism career. until maybe three years into the business. at that point I was just like overwhelmed trying to do both. And I was making so much more as a business owner than I was as a journalist, that the, the journalism had become the side hustle, you know, that had become the piece on the side.

Amanda: So, you know, like I've said, we've at least doubled every year in business. So year one I made 5,000. Year two, I think I made 15, which was bonkers. . I remember my first like sale, bigger sale that was like $300 and I was walking through Home Depot with my husband. We were like renovating our bathroom or something and I'm like, oh my God.

Like someone just wrote me a check for like $300 for a logo design. Like what is life like? What's happening? You know? And I feel like that, that's always my reaction. Anytime someone books like I've stayed so humble through that process of. Like, oh my God, like, what? Someone just booked again. And my husband's like, they do constantly, like, what's your problem?

So, so yeah, so I did five, I did 15, I think that next year I did, like 45. I made, you know, a little bit more and then I decided I wanted to. get into website design. So I had this background in copy, as a journalist and, you know, it just kind of, it wasn't natural progression. So I was doing logos, I was doing branding, collateral, things like that.

And then my clients knew that I had a journalism background, so they would say, oh, can you also, when you're designing this p can you also write the copy? , and I'm like, I didn't even know that was a thing. Mm-hmm. . So I'm like, yeah, I, I can. so I did that and then it'd be like, well, can you just put both together and design a website?

And I'm like, yeah, I know how to do that. I'd love to. And I had never designed a website before , so I've always had that scrappy, like anytime someone asks me if I know how to do something or if I've done something before, I'm like, yeah, I do that all the time. And then I just figure it out. Right. I'm like, Hey, if I could learn like the Adobe suite.

you know, a newborn. Like I can do anything, you know? So, so yeah, then I started with website design. I did a little bit of WordPress and Squarespace and then I found, show it and, just absolutely loved that. Cause that was how my, my, you know, I taught myself Adobe Illustrator and I learned that way.

So show it being so similar to that was a really cool, kind of transition into. , you know, getting into that. So I wanted to start booking more website projects. I knew that was gonna be the bigger money maker for me, so I took a job as a white label website designer for another, you know, website designer.

So I did I think a hundred websites in my first year with work. Wow. Which is bombers. That's a lot. So I was doing, I was doing between nine and 10 a month. it was absolutely insane. my husband was like still working crazy hours, so I was constantly working. It was, it was good. It was one of those like grinding years for me where I just, I busted out so much work that when I looked at the beginning of the year and the end of the year, it was like the beginning of the year work was so embarrassing.

Right. Like I had just come so far in one year. Yeah. And I'm so thankful for that experience because there is no other way I would've been able to get so good in a year if I hadn't been provided with all of that work 

Jordan: to do. Yeah. , what year in business was that for you? 

Amanda: I think that was, I did that like 2018, so I think that was like my third, my third year.

I got into that fourth year or something like that. and then I was like, , I don't know, three k shy of six figures. And that just killed me. Like when I finished that year, I'm like, I'm so close. Like I'm so close. and then I did that white label for like the first three months of 2019, and then Covid happened.

And right around the time that Covid happened, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. and things weren't going great with the white label thing anymore. I think, you know, the woman I was working for had seen me excel so much over the last 15 months. I was starting to book a lot of bigger name clients on my own.

and she kind of had a, a come the Jesus moment where she was like, either you step in as co-founder of my business, you know, or like, I don't know where this goes from here, type of thing. And I'm like, no, I think I'm good. I think I'll leave. You know, I'm like, I'm not interested in running your business with you.

I, I see I, the light was at the end of the tunnel. I could see that I could have it for myself at that point. so I get really ballsy when I'm pregnant, like just showing, yeah. The very first time I just started a business like, oh, you know, I can do this. And second time I'm like, I'm going out on my own.

Amanda: Like, so I did it and I hit, you know, over six figures that year. Like I still made it all happen a hundred percent on my own business. so that was crazy. And last year, I forget what we did numbers wise, but It was like almost two, I believe. So, you know, we're set to do four at least, maybe five this year.

So it's just, it's just steadily gone. Yeah. Gone up. And I think what the big, that big aha moment for me from going, you know, from like a 30 k, 50 k a year hobby type thing, to over six figures. Realizing what made me so different from all the other designers out there, and that was the fact that I could also write copy.

Mm-hmm. , and I don't know anyone else that can do that because they're such different skills. and there are a lot of designers that are now getting into copy because they see how important it is to that website design Yeah. And branding process. But no one had the background in copy that I had. and so I feel like that gave me, that gave me a leg up.

And once I noticed. It was like the business just skyrocketed. 

Jordan: Yeah. Yeah. Once you know your differentiator changes things. . 

Amanda: Yeah. Yeah. That became the reason that people were choosing me over other people. Mm-hmm. was, you do both, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So that was, that was the thing that that really changed the 

Jordan: game.

Yeah. I love that. I love that you've pinpointed that, because I feel very similarly about what has been the thing that's really pushed us forward so fast is because what we do, Not a thing. Like there is no one else doing what we do. And so it makes it, we, I like, I don't know about you, but I feel like I don't have to sell in my business.

That's not really a thing that I've ever had to do because what we do sells itself. Like you tell somebody what you do and it's like, oh, okay, well that's the obvious choice, you know, if it's the right fit for them. So, and it's al it always comes down. I think I agree to that differentiation. . Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Do you think there's something else that's gonna come up and be the thing that's gonna allow you to go from the six to the seven figures? 

Amanda: Yeah, and I think I already know what it is and it's happened just over this month, which I feel like over the last two weeks, which is why I feel like we've had such, cuz we've been stuck at that.

you know, and it's not stuck when you own a service-based business and people are done with your process in seven to nine weeks, if I'm booking the same amount every month, we're not stuck. Right. Like we're, yeah. We're steady. Right. but you know, I feel like we've been in that 25 to 30 K month mark for a while.

and I'm just like, , how do, what's that thing that that takes us from six to seven figures? Right? Because to me, hitting six figures was the goal. , I just wanted to be able to do that. I, I feel like growing up, any woman that I had heard, made six figures was like such an inspiration. Like, wow, she makes six figures.

and so it was such a struggle and it took me so many years to learn the lessons, to hit it, that once I hid it, I just stayed there for so long, you know, for the last several years. And, and I've been trying to figure out, you know, how do I hit the next mark? So, In August, we launched marketing services.

and you know, I was just talking on Instagram stories about this yesterday because the launch of it was a total failure. You know, I mean, it should have been. Such a success. and it just, my positioning of it wasn't right when we came out of the gate. and then, you know, I had a humbling experience of talking to a lot of people about what was wrong with it, you know, people that wanted to buy.

and then we organically just changed how we were doing it, and I've booked four clients for it this week. . So 

Jordan: right out, right immediately after you changed the messaging and started putting it out there, what was the shift? What was the, and and how did you like get the information in a way from, from these people that was like usable?

Amanda: Yeah, so when we originally launched, it was meant to be like a subscription, like a membership. So every month there was a list of items and you were gonna be able to pick any items from that list that you needed or help with from copy for something to branding for something to a website page. I, I just wanted to be that resource because I know that there's tons of other business owners out there that are like, I, I don't need a full branding package.

I don't need this huge signature offer. I just need someone to write the copy for my sales page. I just need a business card cuz I'm going to a conference next week. Like, I just need these little. Projects. and a lot of times business owners are making them themselves and they don't look good, right?

Like they don't do what we do, so they don't look as great. so that was my idea. And when I launched everyone, I mean, even leading up to the launch, I got so many messages. Dms, this is so revolutionary, this is so amazing, this is so needed, et cetera. And then no one bought. and I'm like, what the hell?

like, what did I do wrong? Like everyone was telling me it was so great. Right? And I had probably a dozen consult calls with people that like wanted to buy, but like didn't understand which option was right for them, cuz I had it that you could add to Cartright on the page, right? So I'm like, why is no one just adding a car and buying?

And I just realized by all of their questions that it was too confus. and it was, it was too confusing to figure out how many items you needed and then having to pick each item every month, it just felt like a lot of roadblocks on the way to just getting what you needed. Mm-hmm. . and that was just a lot of insight from, you know, talking to people that wanted to buy and like were holding their wallets, like, how do I buy the right thing?

And I, the offer wasn't set up to answer that question for them, so. . What it did start is a lot of people that now knew we could do marketing that contacted me and said, Hey, I need something custom different from what you're offering. so I had built some proposals and figured out, you know, what worked from them.

and then I had a client who had been a past client come back to us and say, you know, I need custom marketing services, and we build out a six figure package for her, and she bought it. Oh my. And I'm like, 

Jordan: Holy 

Amanda: shit. Okay, there's something here. Okay, . So in working with her for, you know, two months, I'm like, okay, so let me, you know, scale down what we created for her for the average person.

And then I just organically just put them on my website. and people have just been. Finding it just organically through there and booking calls and 

Jordan: purchasing. So is it significantly different than what you rolled out in August? 

Amanda: It's not. The thing that's different is you don't, you don't choose, I'm, you've 

Jordan: prepackaged it.

Yes. Yeah, 

Amanda: that's smart. And I feel like, I mean, I made the same mistake. It's just rele entrepreneurship to me just feels like relearning the same lessons. Mm-hmm. in different ways over and over again. Right. Like, I feel like I did this when I first started a website package and I first started branding design and I first started copy.

It was like I wanted to be everything to everyone, and therefore I was nothing to anyone. Mm-hmm. , right? Like, I just, so, I feel like we're so eager to put everything in a package to try and make it more valuable so people will buy, or you can charge a price. And I've always made out so much better when I just, I'm the expert, right?

Like, I've been doing this for how long. I'm gonna tell you what you need, and if you don't feel like that's what you need, then go find someone else. Mm-hmm. , you know, because this is my process, this is my way of doing things. And so I'm like, you know, for the average small business owner, what do they need when it comes to market?

They need social media posts, they need email newsletters. And they need blog posts. Yeah. And so we just, these are the three things that you get every month. And it's like, do you want a little bit of that or you want a lot of that? Those are the 

Jordan: options. Yeah. Yeah. I love this. I love this. These are, these are all good lessons and I, there's a couple things in here that I really resonate and love and, and believe deeply in, and.

Yeah. Often people just need decisions made for them, and that's typically what I see my role with my clients in being is that, yes, coaches are fantastic, but I'm not gonna coach you. Like, of I'm, of course I'm gonna ask you like how you feel about things, but usually I'm just gonna tell you what I would do because that's really what they wanna hear.

You know? Like, and it can be conversational and you can help them get to that point, but it's the, it's the feeling like that, I don't know, I get this. . I often just want someone to tell me what to do because like the figuring it out and then the feeling like you're the person that's having to make the decision and is it right and all.

Like that's the thing that stops people from taking action, which is exactly what you hit on here. And what's interesting, yeah. Is that you win about rolling this offer out. in a way that is like opposite of that. Like you just put it out there, you just put it out there. Mm-hmm. , and that's a hundred percent the way to do it every single time is like, put it out there.

Yep. Then get the data, then revise. You know? So I just love it. Oh yeah. 

Amanda: Because I, I thought I had done so much data prior to this, right? Yeah. When you asked people, Hey, if this was the offer, would you buy? Oh my God, that sounds amazing. I would definitely buy that. Yeah. That's what everybody said, right? Yep.

but that's, that's always been my philosophy is just. , you know, it's to fail fast and hard. Like let me just get it out there. let me launch it, see who talks about it, see who messages me, see who I have consult calls with. yeah. And then tweak the offer because most people are not paying attention to what you're doing.

and it was only like the people that watch every single thing I put out that we're like, Hey, what happened to that thing? I forget what it was called that you. and they don't even know. Right. No, nobody cares. Not paying attention. Just put it out there. See how it does. because the sooner that you, you put it out there and you launch, the sooner you can learn all the lessons from 

Jordan: it.

Yeah. And diagnose if there, if there is a problem. Well, we can't figure out what the problem is until we've actually. put it out there , and then seeing that there's a problem and then now let's figure out what it is. You can't do it the other way. Yeah. I love this. Yeah. Okay. Exactly. well this took a different turn, but a great turn that I wasn't expecting

anything else you think people need to know about money specifically or money mindset or anything? 

Amanda: I mean, I think the biggest thing for me, and I don't know this may open a whole nother can of worms, but. , it took me a long time to learn, that working harder doesn't equal more money. And that's still something I'm not entirely sure I understand.

Yeah, it's taken a long time. I think, you know, I grew up in a very like blue collar household and when you do that and then you know, Grow up and become an entrepreneur. I mean, everything is so unrelatable at this point. Yeah. You know, and I, I think about that stuff more than I think about goals for the future.

I'll just think, wow, I made half of what we're making this month in an entire year, a couple years ago. Like, it's just, it's bonkers. Yeah. Yeah, that's, I feel you, it's so hard for me to even talk about it. Yeah. Like to even figure out what that, what that means or what that is because it's just, I, I think a lot of us are relearning what, what money is.

and you know, I, I feel like it's just, it's a tool, right? And it's a tool for me to, to impact other people. and change other people's lives or just, you know, be a tool in their lives. It's, which is weird because most of us start to make money, you know, and everybody's here to make money. But, I don't know.

Amanda: I, I guess I just have very different outlooks on it than I did when I started. Yeah, right. It was like a little bit of extra cash. Yeah. Yeah. And then it's like, it just becomes something beyond. You can even fathom. Yeah, 

Jordan: totally. It's monopoly, but Exactly. I was gonna bring that up. I was like, you set the stage for this at the beginning.

But it does, it feels like funny money, especially when you get into numbers. I think like numbers, like we're talking about like 40, 50 k months. It's just like, wait, what? Like I don't understand. How is that possible? But it is, and we're doing. and sometimes it happens really quickly and sometimes it's a slow progression that you're building towards.

And it is, regardless of how fast it happens, if it's not what you were raised with and are used to, or, you know, I, I talk about this a lot. I've talked about this in episodes before. Like I didn't come from , corporate. . I came from the nonprofit world and so I made garbage. Yeah. Money my entire life.

Yeah. You know? And now I look in like I'm paying my, all of my employees make more per hour than I ever made in any of my jobs. Ever. Yeah. Like most of them are making double, triple, quadruple even more. Yeah. Than what I ever earned at a job. And that is like hard to wrap your head around. 

Amanda: Yeah. I think especially when you take such an unconventional way.

To get here. Right? And probably every entrepreneur story is unconventional in a different manner. But I know there's a lot of of people that have like really great degrees that have done 10 years in corporate and are now branching out, starting their own business. And they have all of this backing behind them.

They have all this know-how they all, you know, they have all of this experience and maybe they were, you know, bringing in a six figure salary in their corporate world, you know, in the corporate job and. I'm like, I knew absolutely nothing when I just made an Etsy shop. Like I did not know what the hell I was doing at all.

I've had to learn everything the hard way. , you know, like the most I've ever made in the real world was $14 an hour. like, yeah, I dropped out of college. I have no degree. Like, you know what I mean? And so to be like it, it challenges you to just think beyond. Traditional goal, you were supposed to hit your entire life.

Yeah, right. Like was to graduate college and get a job in corporate and work my way up to six figures and then do this and then, and I'm like, oh, I just did all of that. Like ass backwards. Right. , like none of it, none of it worked out the way it was supposed to. . 

Jordan: Yeah. And to bring it back to mindset. I mean, I think that's obviously why that comes up.

it, it comes up and isn't, and is so important for pretty much every entrepreneur, but like entre female entrepreneurs in particular because like, this isn't usually on the like standard path for most women. You know, like it's not the thing that's like you're raised to know how to do or to expect it or to be prepared for.

And, so it is, it's just a total, it's a total mind fuck. I don't know if Phil's gonna have to bleep that out, but it's, It is, you know? Yeah. I love it. 

Amanda: How have you been able to, I mean, do you have like a set of friends or, or family that, that get it? Because I feel like that's been the hardest part for me is not having anyone in my life that even remotely relates to what I'm doing.

And when you can't, then you can't talk about it with anybody. Yeah. Cause it's so 

Jordan: unpredictable. It's tough. I love my family, but they don't get it. yeah, my husband gets it, which feels. a very important asset for me. And he didn't get it at the beginning necessarily. I mean, he like understood. He's very intelligent, he's an engineer and like we can talk about a lot of things, because his brain just works in a really unique way that I find particularly helpful.

But, he gets it a lot more now because I force him to have conversations with me about it cuz I talk about it nonstop. yeah. But other than that, no. I mean, I, I think that the two things that I've leaned on a. to, to get support and, well, let me say three things. to get support and to just like wrap my head around all of this is a one-on-one coach related more to like emotional things.

yeah. And like the intersection between life and business. And then my team, my team is absolutely critical and I lean, I mean, we have a big team. We've got about 20 people, so we lean. Wow. I lean really, really heavily on team and especially people who I bring on. more at like a ops or strategy level on my team.

Jordan: And then I usually am in some type of mastermind, or have some type of like high level business strategy coach, consultant, mentor type person that I am working with. Yeah. And, and those moving forward always in forever will be non-negotiables for me. 

Amanda: Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's the next thing I need is I feel like I've hit that mastermind.

Level, and I'm not in one. And I, I've had coaches and stuff in the past and I feel like I really miss that. Yeah. Community of other women that are doing what you're doing. 

Jordan: Yeah. It's, it's critically important. It's important just to have like a sounding board, but also to have something that's gonna stretch you a little bit.

Like the last mastermind that I was in, I got in there and then I was like, what the hell am I doing here? Because people were posting like revenue numbers that were like 10, 15, 20 times what I was doing, and I was like, Whoops, , I am in the wrong place. And by the time I left, I was like, no, you're in the right spot.

Yeah. By the time I left I was like, okay, my numbers are like far and above every, every person that I'm interacting with for the most part, you know? So like that's the type of change that you can see by being around other people who are doing things that make you super uncomfortable. 

Amanda: Oh yeah, that, that's one thing I've learned for sure is that your network is so, Important.

Yeah. Just surrounding yourself with people that are doing so much better than you. I just feel like being around those people, I just make more money. Yeah. Right. Like for sure. Just being, yeah. 

Jordan: Being surrounded by them. Yeah. The inspiration and also just the, the actual network building. I mean, I've made connections with tons of people through things like that where they are my ideal clients or they know my ideal clients, or I'm on their podcast or they come online or like, it just totally snowballs when you're in a group like that, I think.

Oh yeah, for sure. Yeah. All right, everyone, go join a mastermind. We're enrolling. We're enrolling at the moment, so you're gonna give me the notes of, 

Amanda: of where you were last time, and I'm gonna go join that later. 

Jordan: That's awesome. All right. we'll have your information in the show notes, all the links for, where people can find you.

Anything else you wanna leave us with on money? 

Amanda: I don't think so. I think we went through a lot. Yeah, this was 

Jordan: good. . This was really good. I enjoyed it. It's always a windy conversation and always leads somewhere. Great. So, oh yeah. Thank you for being here. This was. 

Amanda: Yeah. Thank you for having me.

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